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- Quality TreesCommon NameBotanical NameIdentification NotesPecanCarya illinoensisPecan fruit, compound leavesCedar ElmUlmus crassifiliaDecidious, 1 to 2-inch dark green leavesShumard Red OakQuercus shumardiiDeep pointed lobes in leavesTexas Red OakQuercus texanaVertical multi-mink shapeLive OakQuercus virginiana1-1/2-inch dark green pointed leavesBur OakQuercus macrocarpaLarge acorn, leaf border at endPost OakQuercus stellataDeep lobes, rounded tip on leafBlack Jack OakQuercus marilandicaLeathery; 3 to 7-inch leaf, no lobesLacebark ElmUlmus parvifoliaSmall dark serrated green leavesChinese PistachePistacia chinensis3-inch sickle leaflets, fall colorSweetgumLiquidambar styracifluaStar shaped leafAustrian PinePinus nigra2 needlesChinquapin OakQuercus muhlenbergiiOblong 4 to 6-inch serrated leafSouthern MagnoliaMagnolia grandifloraLarge evergreen leaf, white flowerBald CypressTaxodium distichumFeather-like foliage, fall colorCaddo MapleAcer barbatum 'Caddo'5-lobed leafTexas HickoryCarya texana5 leaflets, 1 to 2-inch nutWestern SoapberrySapindus drummondii18-inch compound leaf, 1/2-inch clear fruitRed CedarJuniperus: virginianaNative, pyramidal shapeMarginal TreesCottonwoodPopulus deltoidesDeep fissures in bark, heart shape leafMesquiteProsopis glandulosaLacy open foliage, 10-inch bean fruitAmerican ElmUlmus americana"V" shaped main branchingSlash PinePinus elliottiTall cylindrical shapeHoneylocustGleditsia triacanthosLacy foliage, thornless variety onlyJapanese Black PinePinus thunbergiiTwisted growth, dark green needlesDeodar CedarCedrus deodaraLarge pyramidal evergreenUnderstory TreesCommon NameBotanical NameIdentification NotesRedbudCercis canadensisPurple/white flowerMexican PlumPrunis mexicanaWhite flower, exfoliating bark, thornsPossumhaw HollyIlex deciduaShowy orange/red fruit, deciduousGolden RaintreeKoelrutaria paniculataYellow flower, panicled fruitYaupon HollyIlex vomitoriaEvergreen, light bark, red fruitCherry LaurelPrunus carolimanaGlossy evergreen foliage, shrubbyRiver BirchBetula nigraWhite flaky barkEves NecklaceSophora affmisDull green tear-dropped shape leafPersimmonDiospyros virgininanaThin, smooth, pale grey barkRusty BlackhawViburnum nufidulumGlossy, dark green leaved white flowersWax MyrtleMyrica ceriferaLight olive-green leaves, pale blue berries